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The information on this page related to current therapy issues has been provided from GoodTherapy.org. You can find more information from them here.
Abortion Issues
An individual who is considering abortion may not wish to or be unable to confide in friends or family, she may receive conflicting information from family members and clinics, or she may be unsure of her own feelings about abortion. An unbiased counselor will generally be able to provide accurate information about abortion, as well as clinic or provider information, and a woman can explore her feelings and any reservations she may have about abortion, consider and discuss all of her options, and know that she is not alone. Those who are being pressured to have an abortion or to not have an abortion can also seek support in making the best decision for themselves. Research shows that although many women experience feelings of guilt, sadness, or loss after choosing to have an abortion, these emotions are typically short-lived, and they are often overcome without professional help. However, feelings of shame and guilt may be exacerbated by a community where abortion is stigmatized, and feelings of loss or depression may be worse in cases where one felt pressured into having an abortion. Hormonal changes that occur as the body readjusts after the termination of the pregnancy may also lead to sadness in some individuals.