Mental Health Services
We recognize the importance of holistic care. We emphasize the combined mental, emotional, spiritual and physical health of those we work with in order to live a fuller life.
Living your best life.
Our licensed professionals are trained in multiple evidence-based practice methods that can assist in coping with anxiety, depression, mood issues, past trauma and much more. We are also dedicated to help those who suffer with various types of addiction issues as well. It is our mission to provide an atmosphere that allows for healing and leads to living a FULLER LIFE.
We offer individual counseling, couples counseling, family therapy, substance use counseling, and online counseling. You can read more below to see which services may be the best fit for you as they relate to the challenges you may be facing in your life.

Living a fuller life.
First, we want to congratulate you on making the first step towards a happier and healthier you.
We know it took a lot to consider looking for help today and we want you to know you are not alone.
We want to help you live a fuller life and when you are living a "fuller life" you feel your best. Feeling your best and living a healthy life means taking care of your body, mind, and soul.
We know it can be easy for people to neglect their mental health; especially so when life throws challenges your way. Sometimes we forget just how much our mental health can affect our overall well-being. This is why we want to help guide you in your path towards change.
Our number one goal is always to help you feel your best, inside and out.

What services are the best fit for me?
Many people think you have to be diagnosed with a mental health problem to benefit from counseling. This is simply not the truth. Some of the many benefits you gain from counseling include
the ability to set healthy boundaries,
an increase in self-confidence & assertiveness,
better relationships,
less anxiety, stress, & more emotional balance; and
trauma resolution.
Many people attend therapy for concerns such as relationship problems, job stress, self-doubt, etc. Or for tougher life challenges; such as the loss of a loved one or divorce. Whatever it is that brought you here today, we want you to feel comforted and assured. We want to assist you with any questions you may have and want you to know we can; and want to help you through the challenges that has directed you here today.
We encourage you to browse below for more information on how we can help provide individualized care that will meet your current needs.

Free Online Wellness Assessment
We understand deciding to come to counseling is a decision you will need to think a lot about and you may even have some apprehension. We want to assure you and answer any questions you may have about the counseling process. This is why we offer a Free Wellness Assessment that we can communicate with you through Facetime, Skype, or phone.
If you are interested in scheduling your Free Wellness Assessment fill out the form below, along with your preferred method of communication and availability. We will contact you within 24 hours of your submission to schedule with you.