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The information on this page related to current therapy issues has been provided from GoodTherapy.org. You can find more information from them here.
Abuse / Survivors of Abuse
Abuse is a misuse of power intended to harm or control another person. The maltreatment can be physical, verbal, or emotional. All types of abuse can cause pain and psychological distress. Abuse can leave psychological wounds that are harder to heal than bodily injuries. Survivors of abuse may have intense, negative feelings long after the abuse has ended. Anxiety, flashbacks, and trust issues are common in people who have experienced abuse. Abuse can impact a person’s ability to form relationships and find happiness. Yet the effects of abuse do not have to be permanent. Counseling can help abuse survivors overcome challenges and address symptoms. Counseling can also help those who engage in abuse to stop harmful behaviors, though the individual must truly wish to change.