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The information on this page related to current therapy issues has been provided from GoodTherapy.org. You can find more information from them here.
ODD / Oppositional and Defiant Behavior
"Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) is a diagnosis that applies to some people who are excessively aggressive, angry, or defiant. Though it’s most commonly diagnosed in children, adults can have ODD. Oppositional defiant behavior goes beyond what is developmentally normal or a clear reaction to challenging circumstances. For example, neither a toddler throwing tantrums nor a teenager reacting with anger to abuse warrant a diagnosis of ODD. ODD can feel overwhelming. Kids and teens may feel out of control and angry. This can affect their relationships with peers and family, and undermine their ability to succeed at school. ODD often affects an entire family. Parents may feel frustrated, angry, and anxious. Siblings may be afraid of another child with ODD. It’s common for families to disagree about how to manage ODD. Spouses may find themselves frequently fighting about the child. Therapy can help children with ODD and their families manage the many challenges they face. Individual counseling can help kids better control their emotions, while family counseling can help families support a child struggling with ODD and find better strategies for communicating with one another. If you suspect the condition may be at play, find a therapist who specializes in ODD."