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Image by Oleg Laptev

If this best describes what you are seeking care for today, please know we are here for you and want to help. Contact us today and we will help set up the individualized care that is the best fit for you or a loved one. 

If you are experiencing a crisis right now, in distress right now, or thinking about harming yourself, please know YOU ARE NOT ALONE. We want you to know there are trained professionals available 24 hours a day through national call and text lines. Please reach out for IMMEDIATE HELP below.

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The information on this page related to current therapy issues has been provided from You can find more information from them here.


"Guilt is a feeling people typically have after doing something wrong, intentionally or accidentally. A person’s sense of guilt usually relates to their moral code. Guilt isn’t necessarily bad. Sometimes it’s even productive. Feeling bad after making a mistake can lead to change, such as an apology or a decision to make different choices in the future. A “guilty pleasure” can describe something harmless a person enjoys even if they feel they shouldn’t or are embarrassed about their tastes. But guilt is sometimes unhelpful. It can cause physical symptoms, self-doubt, decreased self-esteem, and shame. It can be difficult to overcome these feelings, especially in the case of chronic guilt. But it is possible, especially with help. If you are struggling with feelings of guilt, contact a qualified counselor who can help you get to the root of these feelings, understand why they persist, and help you address them. Doing so can help prevent them from affecting you negatively."

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