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Image by Oleg Laptev

If this best describes what you are seeking care for today, please know we are here for you and want to help. Contact us today and we will help set up the individualized care that is the best fit for you or a loved one. 

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The information on this page related to current therapy issues has been provided from You can find more information from them here.

Antisocial Personality

"Antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) is characterized by a pervasive disregard for others. People with ASPD often engage in decietful or manipulative behavior. Aggression and unlawful activities are also common. People with ASPD often mistreat people even when such behaviors aren’t in their best interest. They typically show little remorse for their actions. Their disregard for social norms can make it difficult to maintain relationships, keep a job, or stay out of jail. Antisocial personality disorder is treatable, but individuals are unlikely to seek treatment until they have already experienced serious consequences for their behavior. People with antisocial personality disorder are often skilled at charming or manipulating others. They may have exaggerated self-esteem and feel entitled to act how they want. They might mistreat others in order to get power, money, revenge, or simple amusement. People with ASPD rarely show empathy for people they’ve hurt. If confronted about their behavior, they may deny or downplay the harm they caused. If that tactic doesn’t work, they might blame the victim for being naïve or weak."

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